Saturday, 4 April 2020

Surah An-Nisa benefits 2020

Surah An-Nisa:
Surah An-Nisa was declare in Madina. It consists of 176 verses.

It is the second lengthiest Surah of Quran after Surah Baqarah  in terms of  number of words and of latters 
Period and  History of Revelation
 Theoretically it is  the fourth Surah of Quran, according to the classification of Surah based on the Islamic traditions, it was approximately the thousand Surah

This Surah is presumed to be declare after the war (Ahud), where many Muslims were killed and some lawmaking  were required for Orphans, as they were dependent on other Muslims.

satisfaction of An-Nisa:
As we all know that the holy Quran is the book of Allah, and it has completely  guidance for us. It has all th eorder  and laws.
This Surah Al-Nisa does not only tell us about the problems of women, but it also gives us the lesson how to deal with a difficult situation. It provides us, a full guidance, Orphans,laws relating marriges, legal practices,orphans how Muslim society should live together, and many more.

This Surah Al-Nisa also tells us about lord, as the prophet, Not as the Son of Allah as it is believe by Christians.

One another form of this Surah, that it push Muslims  always help the weak and to stand for justice 
Main theme of Surah An-Nisa:
According to its theme,This Surah can be divided into three sections 

 common amend
The Islamic community and its opponents .
Surah An-Nisa also tells us about the chapter  of Bani Nadir, who  supports the enemies of Islam, and make  plan against the Muhammad (P.H.U.B) and Muslims.Although they had deal not to do so, they were still showing their offensive  attitude against Muslims community.

Bani Nadir was given a last chance because of thier aggressive attitude. Finally, they were banned from the city of Madinah for showing such behaviour.

Topics Included in Surah An-Nisa:
From verse one to thirty five, regulations and laws have been record relating husband and wife. In these verses,The laws of re-marry and divorce also discussed 
Laws of legacy  are also put in this section.

the rights of Orphans also discussed in this section.

From verse 36-42, it has news for Muslims communities how should they behave others. Their behavior should be only, without meanness and fair  . Muslims should show kindness to other communities, as it is the important part of living between other communities. This behaviour  is also helpful to spread the message of Islam.

Verse 43 tells us about the consequence of praying Salat. How it is important for Muslims to make their body pure and thoughts .

From verse 44-57, safety lessons  laid down. Muslims have been told about the acute practices of common jews, who were trying thier efforts against the Islam

Verse 101-103 shows the effect of Salat even in the times of battle. Instructions are put to saying  Salat even when your life is in danger zone,it will acts upon you.

Verse 104 tells us  Don’t show any sign of weakness, Believers should be strong in their faith .

Verse 105-135 shows the importance of justice for a Muslim community to be strong. Muslims are directed to observe highest standards of justice, even with their enemies at war. Matters between Husbands and wives should also be settled a just way.

from verse 136-175,it is the last part of Surah Nisa,  priority of proctection. Muslims should prepare themselves from nonbelievers and their actions.

Muslims community  should also protect their faith, In Revelation  , In Allah ,and in Life after death.

In the end of this Surah, A strong message for Muslims led down,is to sincerely  believe in the message of his messenger, The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Surah An-Nisa Wazaif:
The most important Wazifa of Surah Nisa is,

If there is any confusion  betweenWife and Husband , the one who wants to fair this confusion must read this Surah regularly for seven days. Any confusion  between wife and husband will be remove and connection between them will become secure .

In one  another place, it is note that if Naqsh of this Surah is attach on the walls of home, that home will be safe from evil.

This surah An-Nisa is the fourth chapter of the  Quran. It has letdown the main laws relating Muslim Communities.
Topics related to Jihad, inheritance, hypocrisy,  remarryare also discussed. Guidelines to pick women to marry are also discussed. Men are asked to deal with women honestly and give them their right.
surah nisa translation also discussed.surah nisa pdf also discussed.surah nisa tafseer in  urdu also mention .surah nisa in which para also available .surah nisa with urdu translation word to word are mentioned.surah nisa tarjuma also available here.surah nisa wirasat available .surah nisa urdu translation with mp3 also available here.

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