Saturday, 4 April 2020

Surah Al-Maidah Benefits,Secrets and Virtues

Benefits,Secrets,Virtues, of Surah Al-Maidah

Surah Al-Māidah (Arabic: سورة المائدة‎, “The Table Spread with Food ” or “”  The Table)5th  chapter of the Quran(Furqan e Hameed), with 120 verses. It is a Medinan surah.

This Surah has been termed Al-Ma’idah (the food), because of the calling of Jesus (as) ,which he asked for the decline of blissful food, as mentioned in this Surah, verse 114.

The Arabic word  /Ma’idah/ in real is used for a tray with food in it.

Surah Al-Ma’idah consists of  120 verses, and, correlating all Surah of the Qur’an, the most regularity of the phrase ‘O’ you who have iman!’ has ensue in this Surah. For example, in Surah Al-Baqarah, No.2, this phrase has been remade 11th times, but in this Surah it has been recited sixteen times.
After all it is the last Surah which was  announced , at theopening  of this  Surah it adjure to achieve all the promises and  plight
Benefits of Surah Maidah has many advantages, few are mentioned below

1 ) repeat Ayah No.54 on sweet for admire

2) repeat Surah Maidah regularly  to seek Forgiveness

3) Recite Ayah number  114 of this Surah Maidah, eleventh times every hour. Read it with Durood Sharif 11 times in the starting  and in the end. Then wave toward the sky,recite in mind for food. If you do this procedure with full attention daily, you will be downpour with Rizq.

4) the person who read this surah on every Thursday, would  persist safe from misdeed and would not relate any partner with Allah.
Whoever read  this surah Allah sum 10 awesome deeds and conceals 10 evil works and his position near Allah goes up 10 times more than what he wants.

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