Friday, 10 April 2020

Surah Anam benefits

Surah Anam, is the 69th Surah of the Holy Quran which was disclosed to Our last Prophet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) in Mecca. All the verses of this Surat were revealed at the same time,as the Traditions of Ahlul-Bayt (as)indicate. Alike to other Makki Surats, the main aim of this Surah is appealing people to the principles of unity of Allah Resurrection, and Prophecy but most of all, it focus  on monotheism and opposing idolatry and paganism
·         By Paying full attention to the contents of the verses of this Surah can discard the soul of dishonesty   and scatter among Muslims, and reasons the ears to be hearing, the eyes to be accurate sighted , and the heart (mind) to be intelligent.
·         About the character  of Surat Anamwhich is cited that when this Surah was revealed, 70,000 angels were taking after it. And that every believer who read this surah, (because of his soul ,its light and self may be gratify from the monotheism’s spring  and) all those angels will request forgiveness for that person.
·         Our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammed (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said, ‘The Qur’an was revealed in 1/5th part, whoever remembered it in one fifth part would not clean forget it. Except for Surah al An’am, that  was revealed in it’s completeness, seen off by seventy thousand angels from each heaven until they sent  it to the Prophet. Never has it been readed over a sick person, without Allah granting him a heal [Baihaqi & Khatib]
Advantages of Surat Anam has many benefits, few are given
·         Our dear Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A.S.) has said that if a person writes this Surah Anam using saffron or musk and then drinks it i.e. puts the written surat in water for its writing to dissolve for six continoue days, that person will be blessed suddenly and will be free from all issues and. disease. He will not lose his fall sick or health o& would remain safe from every kind of ailment and pain.
·         Whoso communicate this Surah Al-Anam, the seventy thousand angels who came with it at the time of its descending, will pray for his forgiveness, glorifying Allah, and good fortunate day and night upto the day of result.
·         To seek attainment of legitimate wishes pray a four rakat salat, in sets of two rakats, with surah Anam  and Surat al Fatihah  in every rakat, Now pray Allah to fulfill your certain wish, Inshallah He would certainly grant you what you desire.
·         Whoso recites surah Al-Anam from the starting upto takes turn, Allah would give him award of the pray of 40,000 angels upto the day of result. The same award is available to those who read this surat in the morning time
Whoever reads the above 3 begning Ayats of Surah-Al Anam following advantage :
1. 40,000 angels will be concluded for Ibadah on behalf of the person till the Day of result  and all the award will go to that person.
2. One Angel with Iron weapon will appear and stand guard between Earth and Heavens to protect the person from devil 3. On the Day ofresult , Allah will ask the person, to enjoy all the good things from Jannah (drink water from Kauthar ,eating fruits from Jannah, and bath in Salsabeel river etc).

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Saturday, 4 April 2020

Surah Al-Maidah Benefits,Secrets and Virtues

Benefits,Secrets,Virtues, of Surah Al-Maidah

Surah Al-Māidah (Arabic: سورة المائدة‎, “The Table Spread with Food ” or “”  The Table)5th  chapter of the Quran(Furqan e Hameed), with 120 verses. It is a Medinan surah.

This Surah has been termed Al-Ma’idah (the food), because of the calling of Jesus (as) ,which he asked for the decline of blissful food, as mentioned in this Surah, verse 114.

The Arabic word  /Ma’idah/ in real is used for a tray with food in it.

Surah Al-Ma’idah consists of  120 verses, and, correlating all Surah of the Qur’an, the most regularity of the phrase ‘O’ you who have iman!’ has ensue in this Surah. For example, in Surah Al-Baqarah, No.2, this phrase has been remade 11th times, but in this Surah it has been recited sixteen times.
After all it is the last Surah which was  announced , at theopening  of this  Surah it adjure to achieve all the promises and  plight
Benefits of Surah Maidah has many advantages, few are mentioned below

1 ) repeat Ayah No.54 on sweet for admire

2) repeat Surah Maidah regularly  to seek Forgiveness

3) Recite Ayah number  114 of this Surah Maidah, eleventh times every hour. Read it with Durood Sharif 11 times in the starting  and in the end. Then wave toward the sky,recite in mind for food. If you do this procedure with full attention daily, you will be downpour with Rizq.

4) the person who read this surah on every Thursday, would  persist safe from misdeed and would not relate any partner with Allah.
Whoever read  this surah Allah sum 10 awesome deeds and conceals 10 evil works and his position near Allah goes up 10 times more than what he wants.

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Surah An-Nisa benefits 2020

Surah An-Nisa:
Surah An-Nisa was declare in Madina. It consists of 176 verses.

It is the second lengthiest Surah of Quran after Surah Baqarah  in terms of  number of words and of latters 
Period and  History of Revelation
 Theoretically it is  the fourth Surah of Quran, according to the classification of Surah based on the Islamic traditions, it was approximately the thousand Surah

This Surah is presumed to be declare after the war (Ahud), where many Muslims were killed and some lawmaking  were required for Orphans, as they were dependent on other Muslims.

satisfaction of An-Nisa:
As we all know that the holy Quran is the book of Allah, and it has completely  guidance for us. It has all th eorder  and laws.
This Surah Al-Nisa does not only tell us about the problems of women, but it also gives us the lesson how to deal with a difficult situation. It provides us, a full guidance, Orphans,laws relating marriges, legal practices,orphans how Muslim society should live together, and many more.

This Surah Al-Nisa also tells us about lord, as the prophet, Not as the Son of Allah as it is believe by Christians.

One another form of this Surah, that it push Muslims  always help the weak and to stand for justice 
Main theme of Surah An-Nisa:
According to its theme,This Surah can be divided into three sections 

 common amend
The Islamic community and its opponents .
Surah An-Nisa also tells us about the chapter  of Bani Nadir, who  supports the enemies of Islam, and make  plan against the Muhammad (P.H.U.B) and Muslims.Although they had deal not to do so, they were still showing their offensive  attitude against Muslims community.

Bani Nadir was given a last chance because of thier aggressive attitude. Finally, they were banned from the city of Madinah for showing such behaviour.

Topics Included in Surah An-Nisa:
From verse one to thirty five, regulations and laws have been record relating husband and wife. In these verses,The laws of re-marry and divorce also discussed 
Laws of legacy  are also put in this section.

the rights of Orphans also discussed in this section.

From verse 36-42, it has news for Muslims communities how should they behave others. Their behavior should be only, without meanness and fair  . Muslims should show kindness to other communities, as it is the important part of living between other communities. This behaviour  is also helpful to spread the message of Islam.

Verse 43 tells us about the consequence of praying Salat. How it is important for Muslims to make their body pure and thoughts .

From verse 44-57, safety lessons  laid down. Muslims have been told about the acute practices of common jews, who were trying thier efforts against the Islam

Verse 101-103 shows the effect of Salat even in the times of battle. Instructions are put to saying  Salat even when your life is in danger zone,it will acts upon you.

Verse 104 tells us  Don’t show any sign of weakness, Believers should be strong in their faith .

Verse 105-135 shows the importance of justice for a Muslim community to be strong. Muslims are directed to observe highest standards of justice, even with their enemies at war. Matters between Husbands and wives should also be settled a just way.

from verse 136-175,it is the last part of Surah Nisa,  priority of proctection. Muslims should prepare themselves from nonbelievers and their actions.

Muslims community  should also protect their faith, In Revelation  , In Allah ,and in Life after death.

In the end of this Surah, A strong message for Muslims led down,is to sincerely  believe in the message of his messenger, The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Surah An-Nisa Wazaif:
The most important Wazifa of Surah Nisa is,

If there is any confusion  betweenWife and Husband , the one who wants to fair this confusion must read this Surah regularly for seven days. Any confusion  between wife and husband will be remove and connection between them will become secure .

In one  another place, it is note that if Naqsh of this Surah is attach on the walls of home, that home will be safe from evil.

This surah An-Nisa is the fourth chapter of the  Quran. It has letdown the main laws relating Muslim Communities.
Topics related to Jihad, inheritance, hypocrisy,  remarryare also discussed. Guidelines to pick women to marry are also discussed. Men are asked to deal with women honestly and give them their right.
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Thursday, 2 April 2020

Surah Al-Imran benefits and wazaif

The Main Theme of Surah Al-Imran:
Guidance is the main theme of this surah. this surah encourage all the people to the islam and gives information them about the awards that will be rewarded and punishments that will be given.

Oneness of Allah is the 2nd theme of this surah. It tells us  that Allah is the only creator and He is the only one to beidolized .
Guides And lessons that muslims learned From This Surah:
from this surah, muslim learned they were at high risk when they ignoreed the Holy Prophet (SAW). This gave them a lesson of being obeying and more careful the charge of the Prophet (SAw).
It dosn’t matter even if the Muslims were conqerous or not, the result has been always in their favor. If they kept on leading then even that who don't  believe would join them and their  discrimination could be impossible.
This war open the bluffer  from the true believers.
Allah tests his savants in both, bad as well as the good times.
they might have become arrogant,If the Muslims would keep on being victorious.
Allah planed a place in Heavens where only those will reach who have good deeds. For it, the believer has to face trials and hardships.
persecution has the highest rank in the sight of the almighty  Allah.
There is always a cause for the risk of every opponent of Allah. The heavy  cause is to reject Allah as a creator of all.
He shows mercy and forgives and  those who believed on Allah and rise the trial  for those who rejected Him.
He becomes humble and more submissive to his Lord,when a person faces a loss of life.
Advantages  for Reciting Surah Al-Imran:
The person who recites this Surah on the  Friday, he will have the mercy of Allah till sundown and the archangel will also pray for his forgiveness.
The person who is facing problems in earning his living  should write it on a sheet and wrap it in a piece of  cloth and wear it. Then he will never face any difficulty in earning his living.
For  women  giving birth to a child; give her this Surah written on sheet and clothed . It will believe her in giving birth to a children.

Surah Al-Imran Wazifa For Marriage:
21 days is the time limit for this Wazifa . If Allah wish, then you will be married within the time magistral limit , even if you have been married before the time limit,but you have to be sure to complete this Wazifa for 21 days 

Anyhow, it is strongly suggested  that you perform all the compulsory prayers without missing any one of them.

recitation of  Darood for eleven times.
Then recitation of  the first three Ayats of this Surah for three hundrad and ninteen times.
Dependently,Recite them together.
Then again recite Darood eleventh  times.
in the end, make  a Dua in the following way:

“Ya Allah, I want to marry someone of your choice who is suitable for me”. 

Please continue the Wazifa, In that  case if you are not married within 21 day.until you get married. If you increase the time limit, then, no need to worry about finish  this Wazifa any further. Just continue  reciting it after twenty one days uptill you are married.
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Surah Fatihah benefits 2020

The Holy Quran is the fourth and last religious  Book of Allah SWT, which He expose on His Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It is eventual origin of guidance for those who believes in Islam. It is divided into many sections that give us guide lines for islamic  and wordly problems concerning life. While, all the announcement  of this Blessed palimpsest  serve as a means of wisdom , but many chapters are  more important than others because of some specific  reasons. Surah Al-Fatiha is one of those few episodes of Quran, that  holds special status, 
ALLAH, the illustrious has witness  this Surah so high that it is quoted along with the rest of the all Holy book discovery. The wording  “Seven of the mostly imitated  verses” also define  high importance of this chapter, as it is the important part of everyday  worship and has to be recited daily.surah fatiha with tarjuma available
Meaning And Background
surah fatiha wazifa is available

It is the Makki Surah of  Quran, which means that it was discovered on the follower(SAW) of ALLAH. meantime He was in Makkah, i.e. before transfer  to Madina. It was start the fifth chapter to be disclosed but after Furqan e Hameed(QURAN) was met together, it was put at the starting. Al-Fatiha to itself means “The Opening” as this chapter comes right at the start of the Holy Book and serves as a Gateway to read Quran Majeed further. Moreover, it also serves as the starting of Salah. It also has the honor of being the very first Surah that is made known completely. Although it consists of 7 Ayats only, but it still explains the Veneration of the Almighty in a very comprehensive fashion and also is a great means of prayer  of asking Allah for fixing one on the right path.
faith in surah Al-Fatiha
Some of the creditabilities of this chapter of Furqan e Hameed(Quran)  contains are:
i)       Being The blessed Surah of The Holy Quran
 It treated as the most significant chapter of the holy Volume of Allah Almighty that  it consists of about the complete aspect  of the Islamic belief , i.e. Admiring and beliving  the dignified One, and asking Him only fo rachieving morality in life.Surah fatiha translation
ii)       Resulting in Answering Of One`s Prayer By Allah SWT
surah fatiha tafseer is a greatest  form of supplication to the ALLAH's Almighty. There are many  recital like reading  Darood e Pak on Rasulullah ﷺthat results in recieved to entreaty at once. Umm -ul-Quran is also such explanation that pass towards getting the consideration of Allah SWT while praying to Him:
iii)      Being Part Of Two Lights Given to the last prophet (SAW)
Surah Al-Fatihah, among the last two Ayats of Surah-AL- Baqarah is the main source of lightenment that Allah SWT has only blessed to the Ummah (Followers) of SAW,  which has the  immense outcome in the fulfillment of Allah`s favors.
iv)        Being the maximum Noble Part of Quran
It's mean that Surah Al-Fatiha is the most superlative part of Furqan e Hameed(Quran), which consist of the best form of Islamic teachings in brief form.Surah fatiha pdf

shortly, Surah- Al-Fatiha is not any normal part of the  Quran, rather it is the important part of the Religion of union, being very important part of Salah, without which it is not respectable, consisting  the admiration of Allah in most beautiful manner, and it  last but not least, it handle as a great aim of asking the Almighty for bestow one fulfillment to the right way.Surah fatiha in urdu also available in urdu translation

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Surah bararah benefits of reciting

Surah Baqarah is the second Surah of Holy Quran that is the largest in length subsist of 286 verses, considered the largest Surah of Quran. Surah Baqarah was declare in Medina on Prophet Muhammad (SAW), so, its a Madni Surah. Holy Quran is repressed of different chapters all of them are the amazing and blissful origin. many Surahs of the Holy Quran has benefits  on others due to some reasons Surah Baqarah is one of those unique Surahs.
In Surah Baqarah, Allah Almighty offer us to the Quran and tells us about 3  different class of people; those who will take advantage  from the guidance of the Quran, those who won’t, and those who are only show off to be people of the Quran. The rest of the Surah is awesome merge of history, life education, and direction . Surah Baqarah has a lot of benefits and great award in this life and in the afterlife .

Benefits of Surah Baqarah given 
There are large numbers  benefits of Surah Baqarah some of them are quoted  below:
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “certainly Allah wrote in a book two thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, and He sent down two Ayehs (verses) from it to end Surah al Baqarah with. If they are explain  for three nights in a home, no Sheitan shall come near it.” (Tirmidhi)

In the apartment  where Surah Baqarah is recited sheytan  will not entre . Abu Hurayrah (RA) said that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Do not pass  your houses into graves.surely , Sheytan does not enter the home where Surah Al-Baqarah is recited” (Tirmidhi)
Surah Baqarah brings greater award on The Judgment Day and icrease blassings in this temporal  life. In hedith Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Recite the Quran, for on the Day of rebirth it will come as an negotiator  for those who recite It. Recite the two shines ones, al-Baqarah, and Surah Al ‘Imran, for on the Day of reawakening they will come as two shades or two clouds, or two brood of birds in ranks, desirous for those who recite them. Recite Surah al-Baqarah, to take course to it is a gift and to give it up is a cause of misery , and the magicians cannot meet  it.” (Muslim)
Surah al Baqarah protect the men who recites it against the evil eye, black magic, evil sigh , and it also brings barakah great into one’s time and overall calm in life.
The last verses of Surah al-Baqarah are one of the most learn  verses of Quran in dispersion through Muslims and it is for a good reason. In hedith Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Whoever recites the last two versas of Surah al-Baqarah by night that will  satisfyhim” (Bukhari)
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “certainly Allah wrote in a book two thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, and He sent down two Ayehs (verses) from it to end Surah al Baqarah with. If they are explain  for three nights in a home, no Sheitan shall come near it.” (Tirmidhi)
In consequence , we should try to read the Quran in order to get a convenient perceptive  so that we can act upon its knowledge by memorizing it. May Allah able us all to bring His verses in our hearts and make them a means of enlightening our hearts, our soul , and our graves! Ameen